A blog to keep current on MPIRG'S fight for social and environmental justice.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Today is one of those great days when we can all be proud to live in America’s democracy. A few times a year we get to go out and express one of our fundamental rights as citizens - the right to vote.

Today is the State Primary Election, and we encourage everyone to get to the polls between 7am and 8pm to cast a ballot. The Secretary of State’s Office website has an easy tool to find your polling location and will let you know what exactly is on the ballot in your district. 

Spend 5 minutes today to do a little research on the candidates, then get to the polls by 8pm. Don’t worry if you’re not registered to vote, just make sure to bring photo identification and proof of where you currently live (utility bill, copy of lease or rent statement, or current fee statement) from the last 30 days.

We must take every opportunity that comes our way to make our voice heard and engage with our democracy. Happy Election Day!

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