Instead, you are going to Take Back the Night Twin Cities!
Lucky you!
This Friday night (May 2), MPIRG and the Aurora Center for
Advocacy and Education are hosting a Take Back the Night event on the Coffman
Memorial Union plaza.
Starting at 6 p.m., there will be food, music, and awesome
people to mingle with. The event will be hosted by Sol Raz and there will be a
performance by local performance artist Sha Cage. Three slam poets will also
perform pieces.
Then the main event: there will be a march down around
campus and down University Ave near Greek Row, followed by a candlelight vigil
and an open mic for survivors of sexual assault to share their experiences.
So what is Take Back the Night all about?
The Take Back the Night Foundation was formed in 1999 by Katie Koestner,
but TBTN rallies and marches have been happening as early as the 70’s. The TBTN
movement has even led to international efforts. TBTN events are hosted in
cities throughout the country.
TBTN is an event of healing, compassion, and taking a stand
against sexual assault and intimate partner violence in all forms. This is a
chance to educate students about consent and sexual violence, as well as
celebrate healing and progress. Taking back the night means taking away the
fear and shame so many sexual assault victims face.
According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network
(RAINN), one out of six American women has been the victim of attempted or
completed rape in her lifetime. Victims of sexual assault are six times more likely
to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 13 times more likely to abuse
alcohol, 26 times more likely to abuse drugs, and four times more likely to
contemplate suicide.
Rape and sexual assault should never happen. MPIRG has been
partnering with the Aurora Center over the past year to create a consent
culture on the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities campus. Efforts have
included tabling to talk about consent with students and creating a video to be
used as part of the freshmen orientation curriculum.
Sexual assault is any form of unwanted sexual touching,
contact, or penetration, with or without threats or use of violence or force.
Consent is mutual, freely given, and not permanent. Consent cannot be given if
either party is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if either party is
asleep (I mean, duh!).
So we’ll see you at the U Friday night, ready to stand
against sexual violence and in solidarity with victims and survivors. Don’t be
Shonna Korsmoe
Communications Intern
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